

文集名Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'98): Innovations in Theory, Practice and Applications
会议名1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS'98)
机构IEEE Industrial Electronics Society; IEEE Robotics and Automation Society; Society of Instrumentation and Control Engineers; Robotics Society of Japan; New Technology Foundation
会议日期October 13-17, 1998
会议地点Victoria, B.C., Canada

3D in-hand manipulation planningMoez Cherif; Kamal K. Gupta1998
A collision model for deformable bodiesA. Deguet; A. Joukhadar; C. Laugier1998
A communication strategy for cooperative robotsNicolas Hutin; Claude Pegard; Eric Brassart1998
A comparative study of speed and position control of a flexible joint robot manipulatorJ. De Leon-Morales; J. G. Alvarez-Leal1998
A comparison of different approaches based on force fields for coordination among multiple mobilesKarim Zeghal1998
A controller for hyper-redundant cooperative robotsM. Ivanescu; V. Stoian1998
A decentralized approach for cooperative sweeping by multiple mobile robotsTao Wei Min; How Khee Yin1998
A graph-rewriting approach to high-level task planning - An introductionNilanjan Sarkar; Medha Shukla Sarkar1998
A hybrid system approach to motion control of wheeled mobile robotsMee-Seub Lim; Jinmo Lim; Joonhong Lim; Sang-Rok Oh1998
A new approach for modeling and computation of dynamics of robots containing closed chainsXiang-Rong Xu; Won-Jee Chung; Young-Hyu Choi; Xiang-Feng Ma1998
A numerical method to minimize tracking error of multi-link elastic robotPritam Kumar Sarkar; Motoji Yamamoto; Akira Mohri1998
A safe and robust path following planner for wheeled robotsA. Lambert; T. Hamel; N. Le Fort-Piat1998
A tracking based manipulation system built on stereo visionMatsushita T; Sumi Y; Ishiyama Y; Tomita F1998
A virtual target approach for resolving the limit cycle problem in navigation of a fuzzy behaviour-based mobile robotW. L. Xu; S. K. Tso; Z. K. Lu1998
A vision-based legged robot as a research platformSatoshi Kagami; Kie Okada; Mitsutaka Kabasawa; Yoshio Matsumoto; Atsushi Konno; Masayuki Inaba; Hirochika Inoue1998
Adaptive dynamic control of a bipedal walking robot with radial basis function neural networksJianjuen Hu; Jerry Pratt; Gill Pratt1998
An application of passive velocity field control to cooperative multiple 3-wheeled mobile robotsM. Yamakita; T. Yazawa; X. Z. Zheng; K. Ito1998
An unified approach to teleoperation: human and robot integrationSooyong Lee; Dae-Seong Choi; Munsang Kim; Chong-Won Lee; Jae-Bok Song1998
Assembly model data in robot cell systemsSatori Kojima; Peter Kerites; Takanori Hayashi; Hideki Hashimoto1998
Basic manipulation considerations for the articulated body mobile robotEdwardo F. Fukushima; Shigeo Hirose; Takeo Hayashi1998